“Good working atmosphere through transparent remuneration”

“Good working atmosphere through transparent remuneration”

Interview with the board of the ver.di works group

What do you mean by transparent remuneration?

The collective bargaining agreement should guarantee equal pay for equal work. We found that in some areas at the FU fair and transparent payment has not been sufficiently guaranteed.

What exactly do you mean by that?

For example, there are occupational groups for which three different salary groups are applied, even though these employees deputize for each other. They usually find out by chance that their direct colleague with the same tasks has a different salary group. Some colleagues have reported to us that they have applied for job advertisements and then received a lower grouping than was stated in the advertisement. However, there are also many highly paid positions that were not advertised. Then there are other employees who have been receiving a supplement for years due to the temporary transfer of higher-value tasks. This supplement can in effect be taken away from employees at any time. So why not a binding higher salary group? We believe that the collective bargaining agreement ensures good pay for all if it is applied fully, fairly and transparently. In our view, transparency in the remuneration structure is a basic prerequisite for a good working atmosphere.

How can the staff council achieve greater transparency?

The task of staff councils is to ensure equal opportunities. For this reason, the Staff Representation Act stipulates that a key task of staff councils is to ensure compliance with collective agreements and fair remuneration models. Staff councils at the FU often have to enforce these rights in court first. Nevertheless, great progress has been made since December 2020. We very much hope to continue along this this path.

Information on the new election of the Dahlem staff council

The elections will take place from April 23rd. until May 10, 2024.

Overview of our candidates

Voting locations with choice

Postal voting information (Deadline 22.04.2024)